
The influence of vegetation and shape-related features in making parks more noise resistant


The aim of this paper is to assess the effect of vegetation-related parameters and shape-related features on noise levels in park areas. For the current research, eight case study parks of various sizes were identified in Antwerp and noise levels were measured inside and around them. The measurements were conducted during multiple days using portable custom-made sound recording devices. The analysis was performed by correlating the input with the output parameters. Input data include green space and shape metrics, while output parameters consist of various noise indices (L10, L50, L90, LAeq, LCeq-LAeq) averaged for the entire parks. In a more focused scale the same analysis was attempted referring to measurement points inside the parks.Correlations in this case were identified only between green space features and L90. The entire analysis denotes that green space features can be an important factor in noise reduction within the parks,independently of the effects from the surrounding environment

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