
Model-based analysis as a tool for intensification of a biocatalytic process in a microreactor


Chiral amines are highly valuable functionalised molecules which play an important role in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and chemical industry. To produce these interesting compounds, chemical synthesis pathways are typically used. However, these chemical methods are operated under high temperatures and pressures, are air- and water-sensitive, and need highly flammable metal-organic reagents or heavy metals. The chemical approach thus requires specialised (and expensive) equipment and has a large environmental impact. To overcome these drawbacks, enzymatic processes have recently received increased attention to produce these chiral amines. However, the low productivity of enzymatic processes hampers the widespread industrial implementation of such enzymatic processes. In this dissertation, the aim is to make the enzymatic production of chiral amines more productive by using model-based analyses which allow to build process knowledge. First, the kinetic behaviour of the enzyme (i.e. ω-transaminase) is identified using an optimal experimental design approach, allowing a more accurate estimation of the kinetic parameters from the experimental data. Second, a generic methodology is developed to identify mass transfer limitations in microreactors. These mass transfer limitations reduce the reactor performance and should therefore be minimised. The use of the generic methodology allows to estimate productivity losses due to these mass transfer limitations. Finally, the estimation of kinetic parameters under mass transfer limited conditions is investigated. It is shown that accurate kinetic parameter estimates can be obtained under mass transfer limited conditions, but this is highly dependent on the experimental design. The results of this dissertation allow to speed up kinetic characterisation of enzymes and to improve overall productivity by reducing mass transfer limitations

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