


Project: John Tyrrell has researched, drawn, designed and managed three completed models, made by University of Sunderland students. Three key projects of C19 architectural engineer Isambard Brunel's greatest acheivements for a touring exhibition, celebrating his work, 'Isambard Kingdom Brunel: Recent Works'. The Design Museum, London, U.K. 2000-2002. Recognised as the worlds first industrial designer. Brunel's work included the Royal Albert Bridge at Saltash, which connects Devon and Cornwall over the river Tamar. Commissioned by the Design Museum, Tyrrell designed abstract models using various media, that could be touched, including a 25 foot long version of the Royal Albert Bridge as well as a full scale section through. There is also a structural model of Brunel's prefabricated Renkio Hospital. Brunel's consultant in the design was Florence Nightingale, OM, RRC, celebrated English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing

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