The PhD course in "Early psychosis": the first step towards an international network.


The PhD course in ‘Early Psychosis’: the first step towards an international training network Paolo Fiori Nastro, Michol Consolazione, Marco Bensi, Paolo Girardi, Massimo Biondi PhD School’ ‘Early Intervention in Psychosis’, ‘Casa’ Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Psychiatry, 16PhD School of ‘Casa’ Early Intervention in Psychosis, Sant’ Andrea Hospital and ‘Sapienza’ Uni- versity of Rome NESMOS Department, Rome, Italy In 2009, the WPA Committee on Education stated that ‘. . . All curricula for the training of psychiatrists and examinations for certifi cation of psy- chiatrists should include understanding of the theory and practical appli- cation of early interventions in fi rst-episode psychosis’ In 2008, for the fi rst time in Italy, at the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, we started the, course on ‘Early intervention in Psychosis’. The aim of this course is: (i) to con- solidate knowledge in one of the most innovative fi eld of psychiatric research; (ii) to contribute to the formation of an international research network; (ii) to spread the knowledge derived from research on early detection and early intervention. To avoid the stigma and to contribute for radical changes in our mental health care system abundant, highly trained and qualifi ed researchers are a necessary condition especially when the persistence of concepts which are based on unsustainable assumptions interferes with the appropriate deployment of new convergent fi ndings derived from large multisite studies. Against the background of growing competition at world level, we are sure that the development of an inter- national network for researchers will be crucial to support a benefi cial circulation of researchers and their knowledg

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