
Afterword. «XY» thirty years later / Postfazione. «XY» trent’anni dopo


The «XY» magazine has a history, and this history is linked to Roberto de Rubertis who was the creator and “driving force” since he began his publication, in 1986 for CEDIS, with the title «XY dimensioni del disegno», a critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and the use of the image in science, technology and art. The magazine declared programmatically the will to stimulate and disseminate the theoretical and applied research produced in scientific areas of drawing and design, collecting important contributions also from conferences and seminars such as “The scientific foundations of representation”, developing over the years monographic and interdisciplinary topics including 1968–1988 Twenty years of drawn architecture, Survey dossier, Graphics–Architecture, Survey between history and science, and finally The places of epochal signs about the “suburbs” observed from a linguistic and figurative perspective

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