
The main features of the Data AcQuisition systems for the FAMU (on muonic atom physics) and CHNET_TANDEM (on the development of non destructive techniques to archaeometry) INFN projects will be described. Both the experiments exploit the RIKEN-RAL Muon Facility beam of (20; 120) MeV=c muons and the same experimental setup, which includes a wide range of detectors: HPGe detectors for high resolution spectroscopy; LaBr3 scintillators, with both PMT and SiPM readout, for fast and high time resolution spectroscopy; several layers of 32 SiPM readout scintillating fibers for beam monitoring with good spatial and time resolution. The performance of the DAQ in terms of conditioning and processing of such a large number of di_erent detector signals, data storage and analysis and a few examples of the results will be presented

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