
Mengembangkan Evidence Based Public Health (Ebph) HIV dan AIDS Berbasis Surveilans


Public health surveillance is the data collection and analysis continuously and systematically then it is disseminated (spread) to the parties who are responsible for the prevention of diseases and other health problems. Surveillance constantly monitors the incidence and trends of disease, detects and predicts outbreaks on populations, observes the factors that influence the incidence of diseases. Furthermore, surveillance links the information to decision makers in order to prevent and control disease, sometimes it is used the term epidemiologic surveillance. Both public health surveillance and epidemiological surveillance are essentially the same as they use the same method and aim which are to control public health problems. Epidemiology is known as the core of public health. Surveillance by WHO explained that surveillance can be defined as the application of appropriate epidemiological methodology and techniques to control diseases. A description of the pattern of ongoing disease can be described several examples of activities carried out as follows: a. Detection of acute changes occurring disease and its distribution, b. Identification and calculation of trends and patterns of disease according to frequency of occurrence, c. Identification of risk factors and other causes, such as vectors that can lead to disease later, and d. Detect changes in community health services. Developing an integrated HIV and AIDS among all stakeholders is very important to follow up on the efforts to establish evidence-based health policy.Keywords : Surveillance Epidemiologic, Health Services, HIV AIDS, and Health Polic

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    Last time updated on 30/01/2017