Coseismic stratigraphy in Holocene lacustrine sequences of San Pedro El Alto, Estate of Mexico


The Mexican Volcanic Belt contains a series of coseismic registers in lacustrian sequences in which the consequence of seismic collisions due to fault movements left deformed structures. The scope of this paper is to define the geological and biological evolution of the lacustrian depression of San Pedro el Alto, immersed in the Acambay graben. The area presents morphological evidence of current coseismic ruptures such as vertical height differences, fault edges, structural drainage control and counterslopes. The natural conditions, as well as the time and space relations in which seismic events took place will be demonstrated, underpinned by a detailed study of the area\u2019s stratigraphy and fossil diatoms. Furthermore, the fluctuations in the level of the lake can provide guidelines to understand the environmental factors linked to coseismal ruptures occurred during the Miocene

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