Identity Among Chinese American Adolescents in a Culturally Relevant Children’s Choir


The purpose of this case study was to explore ways that the cultural identity of Chinese American adolescents was mediated through participation in a children’s choir that sings repertoire from both Western and Eastern countries of the world. The study examined a children’s choir where a majority of members identify as Chinese American adolescents. The primary question guiding the inquiry was: How do Chinese American adolescents describe the experience of singing in a children’s choir on their emerging cultural identity? Sub questions included the following: How is identity created or described by Chinese American youth in a children’s choir? How does social interaction with fellow choir members affect their identity development? What is the impact of singing Chinese folksongs on the development of their identity? How might the findings apply to other music education settings? Data collection included 12 hours of observations over the course of five weeks, and interviewing five students, the director, and the founding director of the children’s choir. Findings suggest positive role models that are also culture bearers, singing popular Chinese folksongs, and having a positive, family-like environment aids in the development of cultural identity among Chinese American adolescents.Master of ArtsMusic EducationUniversity of Michigan

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