The Modified Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory.


A measure of the strength of psychosocial attributes that arise from progression through Erik Erikson's eight stages of development.The Modified Erikson Psychosocial Inventory (MEPSI) is an 80-item, comprehensive measure of psychosocial development based on Eriksonian theory. It was designed to measure the strength of psychosocial attributes that arise from progression through Erik Erikson's eight stages of development. It evolved in response to the apparent lack of a valid and reliable, yet easily administered survey instrument to measure psychosocial attributes in the adult population within the context of Eriksonian developmental theory (See Darling-Fisher & Kline Leidy, 1988 for details of its development). Data supporting its reliability and validity data was published when it was first developed (Leidy & Darling-Fisher, 1995). Over the years, it has been used in numerous research projects in a variety of fields and continues to be requested on a regular basis. The authors are making the MEPSI instrument and its Guidelines for administration and scoring available via this URL to facilitate future research, critique, and revision.Peer Reviewed, 1995-MEPSI-Reliability&Validity.pdf of MEPSI.pdf : MEPSI InstrumentDescription of Darling-Fisher&LeidyMEPSIDevelopment1988.pdf : Publication describibg the Developemtn of the MEPSIDescription of Leidy&Darling-Fisher, 1995-MEPSI-Reliability&Validity.pdf : Article describing the reliability and validity of the MEPSI in diverse samplesDescription of MEPSIGUI010.pdf : Guide for administering and scoring the MEPS

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