Concurrent Design of Assembly Plans and Supply Chains: Models, Algorithms, and Strategies.


Assembly planning and supply chain designs are two inter-dependent activities in product development. The traditional sequential approach of designing the supply chain after completing assembly planning results in long lead time for product realization and sub-optimal product cost. The weakness of the sequential method is exacerbated nowadays as product proliferation brings more challenges to assembly system design and supply chain management. Making concurrent decisions on assembly plans and supply chain configurations is a desirable strategy. However, due to the complexity of both assembly representations and supply chain modeling, there have been limited systematic models, optimization algorithms, or deep understanding of the interaction between assembly-plan and supply-chain designs. This dissertation first analyzes and compares existing assembly representation methods. Hyper AND/OR Graph (HAG) is then developed to incorporate both assembly planning and supply chain configuration information by adding one additional layer representing supplier information on top of a typical assembly AND/OR graph. Based on HAG, a DP based algorithm with a polynomial complexity for typical assembly products is developed to generate the assembly plans and supplier assignment at the optimal cost. For the problem with a lead time constraint, a revised DP algorithm with a pseudo-polynomial complexity is also presented. Under the scenario of product family designs, an investigation is carried out on the optimal strategies to design assembly supply chains when commonality is limited between products in the family. The impact of product variety on safety inventory is derived and then evaluated with a performance measure. Strategies of prioritized differentiation and branch balancing are suggested for optimal process sequencing and assembly decomposition. The outcome of this research are threefold: (1) it establishes a foundation for the research on integrated designs of assembly plans and supply chains as well as other concurrent design problems; (2) it offers a tool for integrated assembly plan and supply chain designs using which manufacturers can shorten the product development time, lower the product cost, and increase the responsiveness to fluctuations in supply chains; and (3) it provides a measure of the impact of product variety on inventory and insightful strategies to manage complicated assembly supply chains.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies

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