Topics in Steady-state MRI Sequences and RF Pulse Optimization.


Small-tip fast recovery (STFR) is a recently proposed rapid steady-state magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence that has the potential to be an alternative to the popular balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) imaging sequence, since they have similar signal level and tissue contrast, but STFR has reduced banding artifacts. In this dissertation, an analytic equation of the steady-state signal for the unspoiled version of STFR is first derived. It is shown that unspoiled-STFR is less sensitive to the inaccuracy in excitation than the previous proposed spoiled-STFR. By combining unspoiled-STFR with jointly designed tip-down and tip-up pulses, a 3D STFR acquisition over 3-4 cm thick 3D ROI with single coil and short RF pulses (1.7 ms) is demonstrated. Then, it is demonstrated that STFR can reliably detect functional MRI signal and the contrast is driven mainly from intra-voxel dephasing, not diffusion, using Monte Carlo simulation, human experiments and test-retest reliability. Following that another version of STFR using a spectral pre-winding pulse instead of the spatially tailored pulse is investigated, leading to less T2* weighting, easier implementation. Multidimensional selective RF pulse is a key part for STFR and many other MRI applications. Two novel RF pulse optimization methods are proposed. First, a minimax formulation that directly controls the maximum excitation error, and an effective optimization algorithm using variable splitting and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The proposed method reduced the maximum excitation by more than half in all the testing cases. Second, a method that jointly optimizes the excitation k-space trajectory and RF pulse is proposed. The k-space trajectory is parametrized using 2nd-order B-splines, and an interior point algorithm is used to explicitly solve the constrained optimization. An effective initialization method is also suggested. The joint design reduced the NRMSE by more than 30 percent compared to existing methods in inner volume excitation and pre-phasing problem. Using the proposed joint design, rapid inner volume STFR imaging with a 4 ms excitation pulse with single transmit coil is demonstrated. Finally, a regularized Bloch-Siegert B1 map reconstruction method is presented that significantly reduces the noise in estimated B1 maps.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies

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