Dosage de l'asparagine par spectrophotométrie au sein d'une matrice complexe


In this study we show, on 15 wheat varieties, the ability to assay the asparagine content in a complex matrix such as wheat flour by a simple spectrophotometric assay. This method is easier, faster and cheaper than conventional chromatography analysis and allow to discriminate quickly which materials has high or low level of this amino acid. Asparagine is an amino acid present in free form in the food biomass and has the property of reacting with the free sugars during the Maillard reactions that occur during baking at temperatures above 120°C. The Acrylamide resulting from this reaction chain has been identified as reprotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic in animals since 1986. The present method allowed us to identify wheat varieties with significantly lower or higher asparagine contents (α=0.05). Therefore, this method can be used to identify wheat varieties or other plants with low asparagine content to use preferentially in products designed for food

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