[[alternative]]The mechanism of coffee evaluation system--Gukeng Agriculture Association as An Example


[[abstract]]  本研究係建立咖啡評估機制,運用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)構建本機制,以進行咖啡評鑑的評價及參考準則,訂定咖啡評鑑的標準,確實達到評鑑制度的人才培育,提昇農會服務品質,強化網路行銷的功能與資訊。   本研究參照SCAA(Specialty Coffee Association of America)美國精品咖啡協會鑑定制度,建立咖啡評估之分析架構,包括生豆均勻度、品質最佳化、官能品味等三類標的及顆粒大小、完整度、官能品味;乾香氣(粉)、清爽度/酸度、濕香氣、風味/深度、濃稠度、回甘度、甜度、總評等十三項之評估準則,以探討台灣咖啡品質評估基準規範,建立台灣咖啡生產者或業者在市場上訂定台灣咖啡品質基準標的,提供方便消費者在購買台灣咖啡時對咖啡豆品質優劣提供對照依據。[[abstract]]  In this study, the use of Analytic Hierarchy Process Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to establish coffee evaluation mechanism for coffee evaluation and reference standards; besides, in order to enhance the quality of agricultural services and strengthen the function of the network marketing and information, set the coffee evaluation standards and certainly achieved the accreditation system of personnel with the evaluation mechanism.   The study takes the reference of SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) to build an analysis framework of coffee evaluation, including three classifications of coffee beans uniformity, complete degree, sensory taste, and the particle size, dry fragrance (powder), fresh degree, acidity, wet fragrance, flavor depth, stiffness, degree of back to the sweet, sweetness, overall, those thirteen items of assessment criteria, etc. Through the assessment criteria, to explore the benchmark specification of coffee quality evaluation, and set the benchmark targets of Taiwan's coffee quality in the market between producers and manufacturers. This could provide the merits of control basis about the quality of coffee beans to the consumers in the purchase of Taiwan's coffee

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