[[alternative]]Taiwan Natural Funeral Research--Focus On Ceremony And Facilities


[[abstract]]  有越來越多的臺灣民眾選擇以自然葬的方式為自己的人生劃下圓滿句點,為全面、深度地瞭解國人對自然葬的認同、接受度,以及自然葬的發展性,本研究首度以田野調查、參與觀察、深度訪談結合全面性的問卷調查等多元研究方法,清晰地呈現了臺灣當前自然葬的完整樣貌。   研究過程針對臺灣本島22個縣市為母群體,以方便取樣方式取得有效樣數1105份抽樣問卷,並以全省22個縣市合法殯葬禮儀服務業者為母群,依立意取樣方式取得有效樣數578份問卷,分別調查受訪者對自然葬的認同、接受及配合度,對自然葬儀節和設施的看法,進行統計分析;另外也針對臺灣本島目前已實施之自然葬設施進行全面性的田野調查,並參與觀察自然葬的喪葬行為,再深入訪問採行自然葬的民眾、家屬、自然葬設施管理人員及殯葬禮儀服務業者、納骨塔業者等對自然葬的意見和建議。   研究成果如下:一、問卷調查有高達五成四的民眾和五成六的業者認同自然葬,認同的原因最多是因為「回歸大自然」,其次是「環保乾淨」。而民眾喜好的自然葬法以海葬排第一名,樹葬第二,草皮葬第三。另外,有高達四成六的民眾希望自己所居住的城市能有自然葬設施。二、分析歸納出自然葬禮的六個特性、三個處理階段、五個面對過程、七項需求,以及追思祭祀模式。三、分析歸納出採行自然葬民眾及家屬其觀念形成過程和行為轉變的決策過程和支持的背景因素。四、分析比較臺灣當前自然葬設施規劃、管理及維護的優缺點、民眾的需求,以及改善之道。五、提出臺灣自然葬的環保問題,並提供具體改進建議。六、分析臺灣自然葬的禮儀及服務需求發展趨勢,並提出具體建議。七、分析比較公辦及民營自然葬的經營優勢及發展瓶頸,並提供具體建議。八、對於臺灣自然葬的推廣宣導及法令限制提出建議。[[abstract]]  More and more Taiwan resident chooses Nation Funeral as a perfect ending to life themselves. In order to understand the acceptability and recognition of Nature Funeral to Taiwan people and its possible development, the research clearly show the complete figure of Nature Funeral in Taiwan by field investigation, observation, visiting, questionnaire and other method.   Research procedure aims at the 22 counties and cities as mother group. It ought to help the methods to get 1105 effective samples and get 578 effective samples from the funeral service providers. This research analyzes acceptability, recognition and cooperation with Nature Funeral of the visited objects. In other hand, it gives suggestions and opinions to people who take Nature Funeral, their family, equipment administrators of Nature Funeral and service providers.   Research achievement:一、About 54% people and 56% funeral workers confirm the Nature Funeral. The reason is that "Nature Return", and "keep environmental clean". And the rank about the Nature Funeral's type by people; 1st: Sea Funeral, 2nd: Tree Funeral, 3rd: Turf Funeral. Besides, there is 46% people hope that could have Nature Funeral facilities in their city.二、Analyze and conclude six characters, three processes, five confront procedure, seven demand, and ancestor worship type within Nature Funeral.三、Analyze and conclude the background element of the people who support Nature Funeral about the procedure of concept form and the policy decision procedure of their behavior transfer.四、Analyze and compare the superior or inferior with programming, managing and maintaining the Nature Funeral facilities and the demand of people and the ways to improve.五、Posing the environmental issue and providing the concert advice of the Nature Funeral in Taiwan.六、Analyze the Nature Funeral's etiquette and the develop trend of the service demand in Taiwan. And set concrete advice.七、Analyze and compare with private and public of the Nature Funeral that business advantage and develop problem. And raise concrete advice.八、Taking some advice about the Nature Funeral's popularized and limit of the law in Taiwan

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