Integrating CEMDAP and MATSIM to Increase the Transferability of Transport Demand Models


At the time of publication C.R. Bhat was at the University of Texas at Austin, while D. Ziemke and K. Nagel were at the University of Berlin.An activity-based approach to transport demand modeling is considered the most behaviorally sound procedure to assess the impacts of transport policies. In this paper, it is investigated whether it is possible to transfer an estimated model for activity generation from elsewhere (the estimation context) and use local area (application context) traffic counts to develop a local area activity-based transport demand representation. Here, the estimation context is the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and the application context is Berlin, Germany. Results in this paper suggest that such a transfer approach is feasible, based on comparison with a Berlin travel survey. Additional studies in the future need to be undertaken to examine the stability of the results obtained in this paper.Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineerin

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