
Weighted sub-Laplacians on M\'etivier Groups: Essential Self-Adjointness and Spectrum


Let GG be a M\'etivier group and let NN be any homogeneous norm on GG. For α>0\alpha>0 denote by wαw_\alpha the function eNαe^{-N^\alpha} and consider the weighted sub-Laplacian Lwα\mathcal{L}^{w_\alpha} associated with the Dirichlet form ϕGHϕ(y)2wα(y)dy\phi \mapsto \int_{G} |\nabla_\mathcal{H}\phi(y)|^2 w_\alpha(y)\, dy, where H\nabla_\mathcal{H} is the horizontal gradient on GG. Consider Lwα\mathcal{L}^{w_\alpha} with domain CcC_c^\infty. We prove that Lwα\mathcal{L}^{w_\alpha} is essentially self-adjoint when α1\alpha \geq 1. For a particular NN, which is the norm appearing in L\mathcal{L}'s fundamental solution when GG is an H-type group, we prove that Lwα\mathcal{L}^{w_\alpha} has purely discrete spectrum if and only if α>2\alpha>2, thus proving a conjecture of J. Inglis.Comment: 15 pages; to appear on Proc. Amer. Math. So

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