
Effective procedure to develop alternative annotations of bacterial tRNA genes by means of deductive inference on the basis of characteristic tandems of tRNA genes


In a series of analysis of genomic DNA sequences, we have established an induction-deduction method to dig up hidden tRNA and rRNA genes from bacterial genome DNA sequences by means of a concept of a characteristic tRNA-gene tandem we have ldeveloped, and are accumulating information on positions of putative tRNA and rRNA genes to be proposed as alternative annotations to the DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL Database. We have searched the DNA sequences near the existing tRNA genes as golcondas for tRNA genes, and found mord than fifty genes, e.g. tRNA-Ser and tRNA-Met in [AB013377], and 5S rRNAs in [AE014192], [AE017000], and others. A part of miserable states of the Database was partly introduced, and it is discussd how such status will be disso1ved. In addition, we proposed some ideas to maintain and improve the DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL database

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