
ノ ノ カジョウ シヨウ ト ダ ノ エイキョウ 1オンセツ ト 2オンセツ ケイヨウシ ノ チョウサ


キーワード:名詞修飾「の」の過剰使用 中国語母語話者 1音節形容詞 2音節形容詞 In this paper, we investigated the overuse of Japanese -no (の) when it is combined with i-adjectives by Chirtese adults and young people who are learning Japanese as a second language. The results show that there is a significant difference in misuse rate beween the Japanese adjectives corresponding to the one-syllable Chinese adjectives that do not take 的 and the Japanese adjectives corresponding to the two-syllable Chinese adjectives that do take 的. That is, it was found that the misuse rate of -no of the latter is clearly higher than that of the latter. Consequently, it can be concluded that the overuse of -no is affected by the Chinese 的. Additionally, it was found that the misuse rate among younger Chinese is lower that that of adults. Furthermore, fewer misuses were found among those young Chinese who started learning Japanese early. Accordingly, it was suggested that younger learners acquire a second language more quickly, and that firmly established mother tongue may affect the second-language acquisition. Finally, since our research was cbnducted on Chinese spouses in international marriage and their children, there occurred wide differences among the subjects depending learning environments, wills to learn, mother-tongue capacities, and so on. Due to the encounter translation we used in the test, the subjects may have been dffected by their mental conditions at the time of testing.

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