
First Arkansas Records for Bigscale Logperch Percina macrolepida Stevenson (Pisces: Percidae), with Comments on Habitat Preference and Distinctive Characters


Fish samples were collected with seines and rotenone from 21 localities representing five major habitat types along the Red River in Arkansas. The bigscale logperch, Percina macrolepida, was found at 11 of those sites, providing the first records ofthat species from the state. The primary preferred habitat parameters for bigscale logperch are no current, a sand and/or silt substrate, and a water depth of 1.0-2.0 m. Percina macrolepida is morphologically very similar to the widespread and common logperch, P. caprodes, but can be distinguished from all forms of that species in Arkansas by a combination of characters. Snout shape and the presence of scales on the breast, prepectoral area, and along the posterior edge of the preopercle in P. macrolepida are the most useful distinguishing features

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