
Revised Bedrock Geology of War Eagle Quadrangle, Benton County, Arkansas


A digital geologic map of War Eagle quadrangle (WEQ) was produced at the 1:24000 scale using the geographic information system (GIS) software ArcView® by digitizing geological contacts onto the United States Geological Survey (USGS) digital raster graphic (DRG). The geology of WEQ consists of sedimentary rocks of Ordovician (Cotter, Powell, and Everton Formations), Devonian (Clifty Formation and Chattanooga Shale), and Mississippian (St. Joe-Boone, Batesville, and Fayetteville Formations) systems. Impoundment of Beaver Lake in 1966 inundated most Ordovician rocks cropping out in WEQ, but all three formations were present in isolated outcrops along the present shoreline of the lake. The St. Joe Limestone was mapped as a separate unit from the Boone Formation throughout WEQ and all four members of the St. Joe Limestone were observed, lending credence to suggestions that the St. Joe Limestone should be elevated to formation status. The Hindsville Member of the Batesville Formation and the Fayetteville Formation were mapped in an isolated outcrop along the extreme eastern boundary of WEQ. All formations within WEQ were highly fractured, and some prominent lineaments may represent faults with minor displacement. Several new normal faults were mapped in the central-eastern portion of the quadrangle, and the most prominent structural feature in the quadrangle was the northward extension of the Fayetteville Fault (also know as the Price Mountain Fault), which bisects the quadrangle from southwest to northeast

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