My Greatest Benefactions


This occasion is a cause for me to relax the natural modesty that has otherwise restrained me from describing these accomplishments more widely. I am one of the greatest benefactors of the University of Puget Sound School of Law. I did not comment when the new Law Center Building was named after Mr. Norton Clapp, nor did I resent it. Mr. Clapp is a generous and dedicated man, and he well deserves each of the many honors that have been bestowed upon him. Nevertheless, as will soon be very evident, the appropriate name for the Center was a much closer question than has ever been publicly admitted. I claim entire credit for introducing Fred Tausend to the University of Puget Sound School of Law. I was a mere Assistant Professor at the Law School at the time. I had been invited on leave to the University of Chicago Law School and, presumably, as a reward for my achievement, was instructed that if I wanted the leave, I would have to find a replacement for my Antitrust class

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