
Community Composition of Aquatic Birds in Lakes of Bangalore, India


Observations were made on the occurrence, abundance, richness, and diversity of waterbirds in 15 major lakes in Bangalore city during 2008 - 2009. During the study period 35 species of aquatic birds were recorded. The number of aquatic bird species recorded at various lakes ranged from 23 to 35. The percent abundance of waterbirds recorded in the study lakes ranged from 2.46 to 21.49 and it was significantly different (p<0.05). The diversity and species evenness of waterbirds in the lakes ranged from 2.07 to 3.16 and 0.32 to 0.76, respectively. There was a significant difference (p0.05). There was a variation in number of waterbird species recorded during summer, monsoon and winter seasons. Of the 35 waterbird species, Bubulcus ibis showed cent percent frequency, whereas less frequently (4.44%) observed species was Anas platyrhynchos. Among various waterbird species, Bubulcus ibis, Fulica atra, Tringa hypoleucos, Motacilla maderaspatensis, Phalacrocorax niger, Egretta garzetta, Charadrius dubius, Ardeola grayji, Halcyon smyrnensis and Motacilla alba were frequently encountered in most of the study lakes

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