
Efficacy of Botanical Extracts against Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht Causing Mulberry Root Rot-An in Vitro Evaluation


Mulberry root rot disease which is caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht is one of the most serious disease, because mulberry is perennial crop and the pathogen is soil borne in its habitat. Twenty locally available botanicals were opted to screen against the pathogen in laboratory conditions namely Amorphophallus campanulatusBlume.,Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.,Azadirachta indicaA. Juss., Calotropis gigantea R.Br.,Calotropis procera(Ait)R.Br.,Carica papayaLinn.,CassiaauriculataLinn.,Cathranthus roseous(L.) G. Don.,Citrus limon(Linn.) Rurm.f.,Eucalyptusglobulus Labill.,EuphorbiahirtaLinn.,Gliricidia maculata(Kunth) Kunth.,Lawsonia inermisLinn.,Michelia champacaLinn., Muntingia caliburaL.,Pongamia pinnata(Linn.) Merr., Psidium guajavaLinn.,Syzygium cumini(Linn.) Skeels., Tagetes patulaL., andTerminaliacatappaL. The aqueousextracts of the plant materials were prepared to test their efficacy againstF. oxysporum by ‘sporegermination method’ and ‘poison food technique’. All the aqueous plant extracts showed inhibition in spore germination and mycelial growth in varying degrees excluding A. heterophyllus(it enhances the growth of the pathogen). Some of them were very effective, while others are moderate and less effective. P. guajava has recorded maximum inhibition in both spore germination and in mycelia growth with 96.3% and 86.5% respectfully, followed by L. inermis with 95.7% and 85.1% in spore germination and mycelia growth respectively. Where as,A. indica showed 90.7% inhibition in spore germination and 67.7% in mycelia growth.P. pinnata showed 81.1% spore and 63.4% mycelia growth inhibition and is followed by C. procerawith61.1% inhibition in spore germination and 67.3% in mycelia growth. Further, the promising results obtained from somebotanicals during in vitroevaluation will be tested in field conditions

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