
Vulnerability and Resilience of Rural Society in Zambia: From the View Point of Land Tenure and Food Security


植民地前のザンビア農村社会では、農業システム生態系は一般的な環境条件に対し持続的かつレジリアントであり、従来の共同体的な土地保有の下で食料安全が保証された。しかし、植民地政策による労働移動と土地分配により、Bemba 族のチテメネシステムや Lozi 族の氾濫原での耕作等の生産システムは影響を受け、男性不在により農村地域の脆弱性が高まる結果となった。一方、ザンビア南部のトンガ族は、ハイブリッドメイズや牛耕等の近代的耕作技術を積極的に導入し、土地制度も共同体的所有制度から個人所有へと変化させ、レジリアンスの高さを示した。1964年の独立以来、UNIP 政権は強力に地域開発を推し進め、メイズ生産の補助や、植民地政府の土地制度を維持する保守的政策を実施した。しかし、食料安全は保障されず、小規模農民が政府とメイズのみの生産に過度に依存する状態となった。MMD政権により1991年から2001年までに実施された新リベラル政策は、天候の不順も災いし、政策や環境変動に対する食料生産システムの脆弱性を増大させた。しかし、2001年以降現在に至るまで、土地所有のエンパワーメント政策により、男性女性ともに土地所有を保証し、地域社会のレジリアンスを再構築するための政府の介入政策が行われており、国家と世帯の食料安全保障を推進する努力がなされている。The paper shows that pre-colonial ecologies of agricultural systems in some parts of rural Zambia were sustainable and resilient to prevailing environmental conditions, and were therefore able to ensure relative food security, under communal land tenure.However, colonial policies of land alienation and labour migration impacted negatively on food production systems of some ethnic groups like the citemene system of the Bemba and the flood plain cultivation system of the Lozi, making them extremely vulnerable due to the absence of large numbers of males. Paradoxically, the Tonga people in Southern Zambia responded positively to the introduction of modern methods of cultivation, exhibiting resilience by adapting and adopting the cultivation of hybrid maize and the ox-drawn plough. They also began to transform their land tenure system from being communal to become increasingly individualised.At independence in 1964, the UNIP government intervened strongly in promoting rural development (1964-1990), by subsidising maize production and by implementing protectionist policies to maintain communal tenure. However, food security could not be guaranteed, and the policies led to over dependence of small-scale farmers on government and on maize at the expense of other food crops.The introduction of neo-liberal policies (from 1991 to 2001) by the MMD government coupled with adverse weather conditions, made food production systems rather vulnerable to both policy and environmental shocks. However, efforts are being made (from 2001- to date) with the assistance of cooperating partners or the international community, the United Nations System and Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), to continue with land tenure empowerment policies to ensure secure land tenure for both men and women, and make targeted interventions with partial subsidies to rebuild the resilience of rural society, so as to promote national and household food security

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