
Comment - Assuring Continuity of Government


Reply to Seth Tillman\u27s article , Comment - Assuring Continuity of Government, 4 Pierce L. Rev. 201 (2006), available at [Excerpt]”What makes Tillman’s proposal distinctive, and important, is that it presents a statutory solution to at least aspects of the problem. It is an audacious proposal well worth discussing at greater length than I have time for in preparing this brief comment. Before turning to the specifics of his proposal, though, it is worth spelling out the possible situation that underlies the concern displayed by an increasing number of thoughtful Americans about the issue of continuity in government. […] Tillman recognizes that the proposal raises fascinating constitutional questions about the ability in effect to suspend our bicameral legislative system for a unicameral one, though, of course, the President would be a vital participant in both proposing and then signing legislation. […] I hope that his proposal gets the attention that it deserves.

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