Genomic Target Database (GTD): A database of potential targets in human pathogenic bacteria


A Genomic Target Database (GTD) has been developed having putative genomic drug targets for human bacterial pathogens. The selected pathogens are either drug resistant or vaccines are yet to be developed against them. The drug targets have been identified using subtractive genomics approaches and these are subsequently classified into Drug targets in pathogen specific unique metabolic pathways,Drug targets in host-pathogen common metabolic pathways, andMembrane localized drug targets. HTML code is used to link each target to its various properties and other available public resources. Essential resources and tools for subtractive genomic analysis, sub-cellular localization, vaccine and drug designing are also mentioned. To the best of authors knowledge, no such database (DB) is presently available that has listed metabolic pathways and membrane specific genomic drug targets based on subtractive genomics. Listed targets in GTD are readily available resource in developing drug and vaccine against the respective pathogen, its subtypes, and other family members. Currently GTD contains 58 drug targets for four pathogens. Shortly, drug targets for six more pathogens will be listed

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