
Math anxiety : its causes, effects, and a program for its cure


Includes bibliographical references.The aim of this project was to locate the major research dealing with math anxiety, and -based on the conclusions of this research, to develop a program dealing with math anxiety that can be implemented into a high school math curriculum. Too often, the research is not synthesized into a practical solution to the problem; therefore, I chose to take the research one step further and create a plan that can be implemented, by teachers in any math classroom, to help their math anxious students deal with their anxiety. The findings of this project are significant. The most important are: Math anxiety is a real problem that has debilitating effects on its victims, math anxiety is a curable disease, and math anxiety must be dealt with because it is very often transferred from teacher or parent to student or child. We must begin taking this problem seriously, otherwise our students will not be able to assimilate into the technological society that awaits them.B.S.Ed. (Bachelor of Science in Education

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