
From Values to Vocation: Designing and delivering Primary PG Masters Modules at St Mary’s University College


As we prepared to introduce Masters level into the PGCE programmes, some lecturers voiced critical, pedagogical opposition to the imposition of Masters modules. Some students questioned their integrity and value. The process has nurtured and challenged students and lecturers into a growing awareness of themselves as educators and educational theorists, generating theories of practice. ‘From Values to Vocation’ elucidates this journey. This paper will contend that appropriate Masters modules are those that focus on the emergent teacher and not the teacher in practice, and a critical and reflective examination of self and the values that have led one to teaching. It is hoped that these modules will generate: a critical stance towards one’s own learning as pupil and teacher; research that is unique to the individual but resonates with and contributes to the academy; and a growing realisation that teachers can exert change in their own classroom and not only influence but also become policy makers

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