Physiological Performance in Full-Sun Vs. Shaded Post-Fire Malosma laurina Seedlings


Post-fire Malosma laurina regenerates both by resprouting and by disseminating seeds. The objective of this study is to assess seedling performance either in full-sunlight or in artificially shaded treatments. By identifying under which conditions Malosma laurina seedlings grow more effectively, one can predict where post-fire M. laurina seedling communities will thrive. The methodology employed throughout this experiment began by covering existing seedlings with shade cloth held by wooden stakes. These treatments were adjacent to full-sun environments; each of which contained at least two Malosma laurina seedlings. Six experimental sites were set up, and the seedlings in question were monitored for growth, conductance, relative humidity, temperature, and light exposure. Water potential was also measured once at each site at the conclusion of the experiment. The results show that seedlings under a shady protection grow taller and transpire less water on average than seedlings that are exposed to full sunlight. The shaded seedlings looked healthier than their full-sun counterparts. It can be concluded that seedlings have better physiological success under shade protection than under full sun

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