Changes of data sampling procedure to avoid energy and data losses during microclimates monitoring with wireless sensor networks.


Wireless sensor networks are gaining importance in agricultural applications, such as monitoring crops microclimates. Precision agriculture is one of the areas that can most benefit from this technology in the sense that wireless sensors networks allow data collection with high resolution, enabling better decision making. Such networks have restrictions on their deployment in a real environment, for example, on energy. Thus, several studies have been conducted in order to optimize the use of this technology. Depending on the application, it is desirable that the available energy on sensor nodes batteries allows operation for months or even years. One proposed solution to extend the lifetime of sensor nodes, so as to avoid unnecessary data collection, is the implementation of a routing protocol that allows a differentiated data sampling. An application that can benefit from this approach is vineyard microclimates monitoring, which is very important to monitor temperature and reIative humidity, and can apply precision agriculture techniques to the crop. Thus, in the program to be installed into sensor nodes, rules for data collection are defined, so that the value collected by the sensor at a given time is in the rule that defines normal conditions, the rate of sampling data used will be higher; however, when the value collected by the sensor is out ofthis rule, the sampling rate will automatically be reprogrammed to a higher value. This differentiated data collection allows savings in power consumption under normal conditions, and generates less data to be analyzed. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, microclimates monitoring, vineyards differentiated data samplin

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