Nutrient and water dynamics in a multi-strata agroforestry system.


In the presentel project, the nutriente and water fluxes are studied ann used as indicators for the stability of the agroforestry systems. The effects of the trees on soil properties, water and nutrient dynamics highly differed between species. To evaluate the sustaninability on an agroforestry system it is important to stress the consideration of spatial variability in the studied parameters. This variability creates the possibility to develop agroforestry with a complementary use of water and nutriente resources. The cropping sysytem with the current management is not seen as viable solution for land use in Amazonia at the moment. However, the discovered features of single trees and the effects on crop production and sustainability so far described encourage futher efforts to improve multi-strata agroforestry as a land use system for the Amazon region

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