Isolation, selection and production of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) and their application in mixed cropping systems.


The introduction of VAMF into agricultural systems benefits the growth and the health of the crops, especially in abandoned areas with poor soils. As a pre-requisite for the application of the symbiots, the fungi must be isolate and selected with respect to their efficiency for the plants and their adaptability to the environmental conditions in the field. Different methods of isolation and the selection procedure are described. The mass production of the selected fungi can be carried out in the greenhouse or in the field. The inoculation of the plants with the VAMF is possible in the nurseries as well as in the field. Two methods of application - inoculation of the plants with a homogenous mixture of the inoculum in the substrate and with a concentrated inoculum layer respectively - are presented

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