Recultivation of abandoned monoculture areas in Amazonia.


The project concerns an experiment in recultivating a fallow rubber plantation of 19 ha by establishing mixed plantations of selected crops, mainly tree. In order to achieve sustainability, different crop combinations and different strategies for management of the spontaneous vegetation will be tested, and the crop systems will be stabilized by inoculation the plants with spores of mycorrhizal fungi. The experimental area was divided into five blocks with eighteen plots each to test four mixed cultivation systems, compared to four conventional monoculture systems. Fallow plots will be analyzed for reference. The scientific research is focused on the ecological role of mycorrhizal fungi in the field trial, analysis of the structural and functional traits of the structural and functional traits of the spontaneous vegetation due to management, and identification and control of plant diseases. In addition, economic and acceptance studies will be conducted to find out whether farmers are willing to apply the tested cultivation systems. In the 19 ha plantation, intend to test the three following ways of stabilizing crops using different variants and to analyze the crop systems on a scale that is close to practical conditions: 1. inoculation of the plants with spores of mycorrhizal fungi; 2. testing of different mixed cultivation systems; and experiment on management of the spontaneous vegetaion in the crop systems to improve the competitive conditions for the planted crops

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