Quantificação de microrganismos em silagem de palma forrageira cv. miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck) com diferentes inoculantes.


It was aimed, quantitatively, the presence of lactic acid bacterias (LAB), enterobacterias (ENT) and molds/yeasts (MY) with different inoculants of palm silage. The experimental desing used was completely randomizes. The treatments were: control (without inoculant); five higher lactic cultures lactic acid producers (GP21; GP22; GP23; GP24 and GP31) and five major producers of acetic acid (GP1; GP2; GP3; GP4; GP5 and GP15) with three replicates per treatment. There was influence (P>0,05) of LAB in all the treatments, but there was no effect (P>0,05) for ENT and MY. The presence of LAB in the treatments indicates a greater conservation of nutritional components of silage, providing greater stability. It is concludes that, the utilization of inoculants of cultures of lactic acid and acetic acid in palm silage cv. Miúda, occurs greater quantitative presence of lactic acid bacterias (LAB) when compared with the presence enterobacterias (ENT) and molds/yeasts (MY) improving the quality of silage

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