Life table analysis and consumption capacity for Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), feeding on Cinara atlantica (Hemiptera: Aphididae).


he objective of this study was to analyze the development, reproductive parameters and consumption capacity of Harmonia axyridis, using Cinara atlantica as food. The average time of egg incubation was 3 d, duration of larval instars was 3.5, 2, 2.2 and 4.1 d, respectively, and duration of the pupal stage was 5.8 d. Longevity was 85.6 d and the life cycle lasted 107.2 d. Egg viability was 92.7% and all stages had 100% survival. Adults consumed, on average, 1.892 aphids. Pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods lasted 6.8, 44.3, and 32.9 d, respectively. Fertility was 633.2 eggs per female. Each instar consumed, on average, 19.4, 24.8, 49.7 and 188.9 aphids, respectively. The life table results, together with biological data, indicated that Harmonia axyridis is an efficient predator of C. atlantica, having high fertility, egg viability, rapid development and high levels of predation

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