Dinâmica das áreas de agricultura anual a partir de dados temporais do projeto TerraClass para o município de Paragominas, PA.


Because of diversification of the production systems in Paragominas municipality (Pará State, Brazil), the grain production and the agroindustry sector is expanding. This paper aims to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of areas associated with ?Annual Crop? class in the municipality of Paragominas. We considered, in the analyses the Land Use and Land Cover mapping data of the TerraClass Project for the years 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. The results indicate that areas of the ?Annual Crop? in the study area, have been growing over the years and concentrate mainly near the municipality´s main roads. It was verified that a significant portion of these areas remained stable for consecutive periods considered. The new cropped areas come mainly from, the previously classified as "Clean Pasture" class, although there is also a significant conversion rates presented by "Not Observed Area" and ?Secondary Vegetation" classes

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