Analysis of Wakefields in the ILC crab cavity.


The large crossing angle schemes of the ILC need a correction of bunch orientation at the interaction point (IP) in order to recover a luminosity loss of up to 80%. The orientation of bunches can be changed using a set of transverse deflecting cavities. The location of these crab cavities would be close to the final focus, and small deflections caused by wake fields in the cavities could cause misalignments of the bunches at the IP. Wake fields in the 3.9GHz deflecting cavities under development at FNAL have been analysed and their effects studied in view of use as the ILC crab cavity. Numerical simulations have been performed to determine the long-range wake potentials of up to quadrupole order modes in this cavity and their effect upon bunches passing through this cavity. Trapped modes within the CKM cavity have been investigated. Short-range wakes have also been a topic of study. The effect of the final focus quadrupole magnets on the deflection given to the bunch have also been calculated and used to calculate luminosity loss due to wake fields

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