The Social Construction of Ethnic and National Identities in Interaction: the Case of Latvia


Promocijas darba „Etniskas un nacionalas identitates sociala konstruešana mijiedarbiba: Latvijas gadijuma izpete” petnieciskais jautajums ir: vai un ka etniskas un nacionalas identitates diskursivajas manifestacijas paradas individu ricibspeja un dažadas ideologiskas ietekmes, ka ari - vai un ka identitates diskursivas konstrukcijas atškiras dažadas situacijas un ka tas ietekme interakcijas konteksts. Veiktas diskursu analizes teksta materials ir fokusa grupu diskusiju (kopuma 24 fokusa grupu diskusijas) transkripti un Interneta portala „Delfi” latviešu un krievu versijas diskusijas par etniskajiem jautajumiem. Petijuma rezultata secinats, ka interakcijas konteksts – sarunas tema, socialas kontroles iespejamiba, anonimitates limenis, interakcijas žanrs – butiski ietekme etniskas un nacionalas kategorizacijas interakcija. Promocijas darba teoretiska pieeja ir sociala konstrukcionisma perspektiva balstitu radniecigu teoriju sinteze, kuras pamata ir kritiskas diskursivas psihologijas pieeja, kas autorei lauj konceptualizet un petit ricibspejas un ideologijas izpausmes etniskas un nacionalas identitates diskursivajas manifestacijas. Atslegvardi: etniska un nacionala identitate, diskursu analize, interakcijas konteksts, ricibspeja, ideologijaThe research question of the PhD thesis „The Social Construction of Ethnic and National Identities in Interaction: the Case of Latvia” is how within discursive constructions of ethnic and national identities among the Latvian and Russian language communities an agency of language users and different ideological influences are manifested, as well as – how discursive constructions of identity differ in various circumstances and how they are influenced by the context of interaction. The empirical basis of the discourse analysis are transcripts of focus group discussions (in total 24 focus group discussions) and discussions on ethnic issues in both the Latvian and Russian versions of the Internet news portal „Delfi”. The study reveals that the context of interaction – topics, a level of social control and anonymity, a genre of interaction – significantly impacts manifestations of ethnic and national categorizations. The theoretical approach of the study is based on the synthesis of several theories within the perspective of social constructionism, including the theory of critical discursive psychology, which allows to conceptualize and study elements of ideology and agency in the discursive manifestations of ethnic and national identities. Key words: ethnic and national identities, discourse analysis, context of interactions, agency, ideolog

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