
Efectos del autoclave sobre el coeficiente de digestibilidad aparente de la harina descascarada de arveja (Pisum sativum) en trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss)


The effect of autoclaving on the nutrients’ apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC), digestible protein and energy of pea seed meal (P. sativum) fed to Rainbow trout (O. mykiss) was examined. Two samples of the pea meal were autoclaved at 121ºC and 1.1 atm for 5 min (5’APM) or 15 min (15’APM), respectively. A third sample, used as control, was not treated (RPM). One reference diet (Basal diet) and 3 experimental diets were elaborated and labelled based on autoclaving time applied to the ingredient (RPM, 5’APM and 15’APM). The four diets were assigned using a completely randomised design, with each treatment having three replicates. 12 tanks were stocked each with 15 trouts with an average weight of 235 ± 10.4 g. Faeces were collected over a 7-day period using a settlement column and pooled within the tank. ADCs were determined using chromium oxide (Cr2O3) as an inert digestibility indicator. No significant differences (P>0.05) regarding protein ADC were found among all treatments. On the other hand, dry matter, energy and nitrogen free extract (NFE) ADC showed significant differences (p0,05) con respecto a los CDAs de proteína entre los tratamientos. Por otra parte, los CDAs de materia seca, energía y extracto no nitrogenado (ENN) fueron estadísticamente diferentes (P<0,05). Los resultados demostraron que el tratamiento 5’APM incrementó el CDA de materia seca, además de energía y proteína digestible de la harina descascarada de arveja

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