Does time constrain affect consumer intention to purchase? A case study with orange/pomegranate juice.


The influence of time pressure on consumer perception may be particularly relevant for the design of food packages. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of time-constraint on results from a rating-based conjoint task, using pomegranate/orange juice as case study. One hundred consumers evaluated the intention to purchase of images of juice bottles, which were designed by manipulating the following variables: bottle design, front-of-pack nutritional information, nutrition claim and processing claim. They were randomly divided into two experimental conditions: control and time-constraint. Consumers with a time-constraint gave significantly higher intention to purchase scores than those in control condition, but time-constraint did not largely modify the way in which consumers evaluated their intention to purchase. In both experimental conditions consumers gave higher intention to purchase scores for bottles with traditional design, which included processing claim and front-of-pack nutritional information. Result suggests that graphic design could help consumers to make healthier food choices.Food: the tree that sustains life. 1648

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