Discrimination of the state of MCF-7 cells by multiple cell mechanics


Cell mechanics indicating the state of cell play an important role in critical activities of the cells. However in recent cell mechanics research, most of researchers only considered the young's modulus and energy dissipation is seldom considered. The existing method of the computation of young's modulus can't also make sure the distance between experimental indentation curve and the theory experimental indentation curve is small. To solve the problems described above, an optimization method of computation of young's modulus has been proposed and an experiment has been carried out. In the experiment force curves were obtained from the MCF-7 cells which has been treated with different concentrations (0ug/ml, 50ug/ml, 100ug/ml, 150ug/ml, 200ug/ml) of resveratrol for 36 hours. Young's modulus and energy dissipation could be obtained from the force curves. The experiment results not only shown that compared with the existing method the proposed method has its superiority in the computation of young's modulus, but also indicated that there is a necessity of considering both Young's modulus and energy dissipation. The results provide an effective method for the computation of cell mechanics and lay a foundation for the drug selection and personalized treatment of diseases

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