
Mobile devices in palliative care services: a methodological approach to identifying use and implementation


The use of mobile devices is developing in palliative care services, promising enhancements to patient care and service delivery. However, mobile device use is not well documented in the research literature even though it is necessary to understand how its use is developing in the medical field. Therefore, an online survey was developed in English, French and Arabic and distributed across palliative care providers in the 33 out of 54 countries in Africa where palliative care services are present. The survey gathered information about the service provided where a respondent was based, and a framework was presented to respondents documenting the different stages of palliative care delivery (ie, diagnosis, referral, up to bereavement care). For each stage of delivery, participants were asked to outline how they currently use mobile devices and to specify any perceived barriers and benefits to mobile device development at their site, alongside thoughts on priorities for future research development. The results of this survey, and the priorities it indicates, will be presented

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