

本研究采用典型样地法,以沙冬青属(Ammopiptanthus)天然植物群落为研究对象,通过GPS定位,应用实验手段,对样方内的沙冬青属植物叶片的全量氮,磷,钾和分布生境中的土壤养分及其水溶性盐分进行了测定,初步探讨了沙冬青属植物叶片中全量氮、磷、钾和土壤环境因子之间的相关性,以期为沙冬青属植物的迁地保育和就地保育提供参考依据。初步得出以下研究结果:(1)土壤水溶性盐分中对沙冬青(A.mongolicus)叶片中全量氮,磷、钾有明显影响的是:土壤pH、土壤HCO3-和Ca++。(2)土壤水溶性盐分中对新疆沙冬青(A.nanus)叶片中全量氮、磷、钾有明显影响的是:土壤pH、土壤电导率、总盐、全盐、土壤CO3=、Cl-、SO4=、Ca++,K+以及Na+。(3)对沙冬青属植物仆卜片中的全量氮、磷、钾都有明显影响的是土壤pH和土壤Ca++;对沙冬青属植物叶片的全量氮、磷、钾都没有明显影响的是土壤Mg++。(4)土壤养分中对沙冬青叶片中全量氮、磷,钾有明显影响的是:土壤有机质、土壤全氮和全磷;土壤养分中对新疆沙冬青叶片中全量氮、磷,钾含量有明显影响的只有土壤速效氮。(5)土壤养分中对沙冬青属叶片中的全量氮、磷,钾都没有明显影响的是:土壤全钾,土壤速效磷和谏妙钾。(6)沙冬青属叶片中的全量氮、磷、钾受土壤水溶性盐分、土壤养分的共同影响,但土壤水溶性欲分的熬响要大于土壤养分的影响。(7)分布生境的海拔高度对冬青属叶片中全量氮、磷、钾含量的积累有密切关系。(8)沙冬青属植物分布生境的土壤环境条件存在着较明显的差异。This paper selects representative and crude plant community of Ammopiptanthus as a object of research, which distribute in Wuhai and Alax in Inner Mongolia and Wuqia in Xinjiang. By using GPS technique and experimental means, the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus, water-soluble salt and nutrient in soil of its distribution habitat were analysed. We discussed the correlativity between total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus and factors of soil environment, attempting to provide reference for the protection of Ammopiptanthus. The primary conclusion were put forward as follows: Of all the water-soluble salinity in soil, soil pH, SO4= and Ca4++ have obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of A. mongolicus. Soil pH, electrical conductivity, total salinity, whole salinity of soil, contents of CO3=,- Cl-, SO4=, Ca-, K+ and Na+ in soil have obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of A. nanus. Both soil pH and content of soil Ca^have obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus; Content of soil Mg^have no obvious effect on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus. Of all the soil nutrients, contents of organic material, total N, and total P in soil have obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of A. mongolicus; Contents of available N in soil have obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of A. nanus. Of all the soil nutrients, contents of total K, available P and available K in soil have no obvious effects on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus. The contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus are affected by both water-soluble salinity in soil and soil nutrients, and the effects by the contents of water-soluble salinity in soil are more obviously than soil nutrients. (7) Elevation in the distribution habitat of Ammopiptanthus has a restraining effect on the contents of total N, P, K in leaves of Ammopiptanthus. There are many differences between soil environments in distribution habitat of Ammopiptanthus

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