Study on Population Ecology of the Goitred Gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa


鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)为IUCN红皮书易危种和国家二级保护动物,其种群数量不断下降,已引起相关野生动物保护组织的关注。对其保护生物学的研究十分迫切。 2005-2008年,在中国新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区开展了鹅喉羚准噶尔亚种(Gazella subgutturosa sairensis)的种群生态研究。研究内容包括鹅喉羚的社群结构、采食习性、栖息地选择、冬季繁殖期昼间行为和活动节律,以及人类活动影响和保护对策。春季鹅喉羚以雄性群居多(52.82%);夏秋两季则以雌性群为主(50%和67.57%);冬季以混和群居多(48.53%)。卡方独立性检验表明,四个季节间三种集群类型的百分比组成差异显著,受繁殖周期和季节变化影响。鹅喉羚集群大小范围为1~95只,其中3只群出现最多(20.2%);1~5只的群占65.78%;6~10只的群占23.05%;11~20只的群占9.22%;>20只的群占2.3%。春夏秋冬四季平均群大小分别为(4.45±4.07 ;4.94±4.20 ;6.66±10.12 ;6.0±5.66 ),方差分析表明,春季平均集群大小分别与秋季和冬季差异显著。其全年平均集群大小变化既受到自身繁殖周期的影响。也受到季节更替的影响。鹅喉羚秋季采食7科24种,冬季采食6科17种,春季采食16科41种,夏季采食12科30种植物。藜科与禾本科植物是鹅喉羚全年的主要食物。不同季节鹅喉羚的食物生态位宽度不同,以春季最高为3.59,食性也有明显变化。针茅(Stipa glareosa)在四季都是鹅喉羚的主要食物。此外,春季和夏季鹅喉羚采食较多驼绒藜(Ceratoides latens),秋季和冬季采食较多梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)。由于干旱胁迫,春夏秋三季鹅喉羚喜食含水量较高的多根葱(Allium polyrhizum)、石生霸王 (Zygophyllum rosovii)、粗枝猪毛菜(Salsola subcrassa)等非禾本科草本植物。鹅喉羚栖息地内的植被盖度、植被高度、植物种数和可采食植物生物量都显著高于对照区内的相应成分。主成分分析(PCA)结果表明,影响鹅喉羚栖息地选择的主要环境因子是食物因子(包括食物种类、食物资源量、主要食物和高含水食物的密度)、警戒因子(坡度和隐蔽条件,如植被高度)、温度因子(坡向和坡位)。将鹅喉羚冬季行为划分为觅食、警戒、休息、移动、其它五种类型,雌羚各行为所占比例分别为:67.97%、5.01%、7.01%、19.57%、0.44%,觅食行为占据时间最多;雄羚为29.62%、20.61%、19.21%、29.30%、1.26%,觅食行为占据时间仍最多,但较雌羚已大幅减少,用于凝视和移动的时间则明显增加。雌羚采食行为有3个高峰,分别在11:00-12:00,13:00-14:00,17:00-18:00;移动高峰出现在13:00-15:00和18:00-19:00;警戒最高峰出现在13:00 - 14:00;休息行为表现为双峰形,分别在12:00-13:00和16:00-17:00。雄羚采食行为也有3个高峰,分别出现在10:00-11:00,13:00-14:00,17:00-18:00,但不如雌羚明显;移动高峰期出现在13:00-14:00和18:00-19:00;警戒行为高峰期出现在13:00-14:00和18:00-19:00;休息在15:00-16:00达到最高峰。本文最后论述了石油天然气开采、煤炭煤化工基地建设、退牧还草围栏工程建设、牧民和家畜、水源占用和改造、216国道,以及旅游业等对保护区鹅喉羚等有蹄类野生动物的影响,并提出了解决措施和保护对策。As the worldwide endangered species, goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) populations have steadily declined in recent decades throughout the species’s range. This trend has been focused by some conservation organization, such as IUCN. In order to conserve this species, It is urgent and necessary to study the conservational biology of goitred gazelle. Social organization, diet, habitat selection, Diurnal behavioral time budgets and activity rhythm,and human disturbance were studied in Kalamaili mountain ungulate natural reserve, Altai, Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China from 2005 to 2008. Male groups were the major type in spring, accounting for 52.82%; in summer and autumn, the female groups were the major type, accounting for 50% and 67.57%; and in winter, the major type is the mixed groups, accounting for 48.53%. Chi-square test showed that 3 social types varied significantly among different seasons, under the influence of breeding cycle. The group sizes ranged from 1 to 95 individuals. Groups with 1 to 5 individuals, 6 to 10 individuals, 11 to 20 individuals and more than 20 individuals accounted for 65.78%, 23.05%, 9.22%, 2.3% respectively. The average group size is 4.45 ± 4.07 in spring, 4.94±4.20 in summer, 6.66±10.12 in autumn and 6.0±5.66 in winter. The average group size in spring is significantly different to autumn (ANOVA, df=1, F=2.21 P<0.05) and winter (ANOVA, df=1, F=1.54 P<0.05). This change is not only influenced by the breeding cycle of gazella subgutturosa, but also influenced by the seasonal change. We studied the food habits of goitred gazelle by using the faecal analysis method. There are 24 species of plants belonging to 7 families consumed by the gazelle in autumn, 17 species of plants belonging to 6 families consumed in winter, 41species of plants belonging to 16 families consumed in spring, and 30 species of plants belonging to 12 families consumed in summer. Plants of Chenopodiaceae and Gramineae are the major food of the goitered gazelle, and the forbs also grazed by the gazelle. The food niche breadth of the goitered gazelle is different in different seasons, and the food contents also changed obviously. No mater what the season, Stipa glareosa is the major food of the gazelle. Ceratoides latens is the major food in spring and summer, while in autumn and winter, the gazelle consumed more Haloxylon ammodendron. The forbs with higher water content, such as Allium polyrhizum, Zygophyllum rosovii, Salsola subcrassa etc, are favored by the gazelle especially in spring, summer and autumn.. The vegetation height, plant species richness and ground biomass at foraging sites and bedding sites were significantly higher from those at randomly selected sites. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that food factor (including plant species richness, food abundance, density of main food plant and succulent plant), vigilance factor (gradient and concealment condition), and temperature factor (slope direction and slope position) were possibly the most important factors that determined the habitat selection of goitred gazelle. The diurnal behavior (including foraging, vigilance, resting, moving and others) of the goitred Gazelle during breeding season in winter was and the diurnal behavioral time budgets and activity rhythm were studied by observing. During the day, the females spent 67.97% of time on foraging, 5.01% on vigilance, 7.01% on resting, 19.57% on moving, 0.44% on others. And males spent 29.62% of time on foraging, 20.61% on vigilance, 19.12% on resting, 29.30% on moving, 01.26% on others. The foraging peaks of females were recorded at 11:00-12:00,13:00-14:00,17:00-18:00. The peaks of moving and vigilance were at 18:00-19:00 and 13:00-14:00 respectively. The rhythm of resting was typically bimodal. The foraging peaks of males were recorded at 10:00-11:00,13:00-14:00,17:00-18:00. Moving and vigilance were typically bimodal. The peaks of resting was at 15:00-16:00. The author discussed the human disturbance to wildlife in Kalamaili natural reserve. The disturbance comes from oil and natural gas exploitation, coal exploitation and coal industry, enclosure-building for desert vegetation restoration, herdsman and Livestock, waterhole occupancy and rebuild, 216 national road, and tourism development. The solution for disturbance and wildlife conservation countermeasure were established in the paper

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