Study on endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim Basin


本文在查阅大量文献、标本、多次实地调查及实验基础上,首次对塔里木盆地沙拐枣属特有种的生物学与群落生态学特点进行了全面研究,主要分析了果实性状的变异特征、染色体基数、花粉形态特征、生境土壤特征、群落结构等多项研究,填补了塔里木盆地沙拐枣属植物研究在该领域的空白。主要研究结果如下:果实形状、果实长度、果实果宽、刺毛长度、两刺间距、两肋间距、瘦果形状、瘦果长度与瘦果宽度等9个果实性状在单株内、单株间、不同居群间表示出不同程度的差异,但它们的变异程度有所不同,在同一个居群内单株之间的变异远大于单株内变异;果实肋数在不同居群之间有变异;每条果肋刺行数在单株内、单珠间与同一种的不同居群间都保持稳定不变,因此,认为塔里木盆地5种沙拐枣的主要果实分类性状依据是果实每肋刺的行数,而果实形状、果实长度、果实宽度、刺毛长度、两刺间距、两肋间距、瘦果形状、瘦果长度与瘦果宽度等性状的分类学意义不大。根据塔里木沙拐枣果实性状,将塔里木沙拐枣5个居群划分为两种类型;而分别根据果实形状、果实长度、果实宽度、刺毛长度、两肋间距、两刺间距、瘦果形状、瘦果长度、瘦果宽度等9个指标,将塔里木沙拐枣5个居群分别划分为不同的类型,这些表明塔里木沙拐枣果实形态变异性很大。塔里木盆地4种沙拐枣的染色体基数均为9,其中,英吉沙沙拐枣和若羌沙拐枣为二倍体;而塔里木沙拐枣和库尔勒沙拐枣为四倍体。塔里木盆地5种沙拐枣之间花粉的形状、萌发器官类型、外壁层次、纹饰类型等十分相似,花粉呈近长球性或长球性,具三孔沟,沟长,较宽,几达两极。沟从赤道到两极由粗变细。外壁两层,外壁在扫描电镜下呈穴状纹饰,小穴均分布在花粉粒表面上。调查的5种沙拐枣群落都具有植物种类组成单一、植物群落垂直结构简单等共同特点。不同沙拐枣属种植物所形成的群落差异主要表现在物种组成、物种多样性水平和其优势种等方面。塔里木盆地5种沙拐枣生境的土壤均偏碱性;土壤有机质含量都较低,均属贫瘠的碱性土壤条件。塔克拉玛干沙拐枣生境土壤为风沙土,英吉沙沙拐枣生境的土壤机械组成有近同塔克拉玛干沙拐枣的特点,而塔里木盆地其它3种沙拐枣都是砾质或沙砾质荒漠戈壁分布的种类。而塔里木沙拐枣生境土壤类型变异丰富。描述了新种——塔克拉玛干沙拐枣(Calligonum .taklimakanense B.R Pan et G.M.Shen)的分类学特征;并根据野外实地调查结果,对塔里木沙拐枣(Calligonum roborowskii A.Los.)、库尔勒沙拐枣(Calligonum korlaense Z.M.Mao)、英吉沙沙拐枣(Calligonum yengisaricum Z.M.Mao)与若羌沙拐枣(Calligonum ruoqiangense Liou.f.)的分类学特征做了详细的修订,并在此基础上,建立了塔里木盆地5种沙拐枣的检索表,为野外识别塔里木盆地分布的各种沙拐枣提供了鉴定依据。Based on literature survey, and both herbarium and field observations, the variation pattern within and between individuals and between populations of 11 major characters of fruit, chromosome base number, pollen-morpholy, the properties of the soil in the habitats, characteristics of community of endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin region was studied, and the taxonomic values of the characters were preliminarily evaluated. The main researching results were as following: There are significant difference within and between the natural individuals and the between population among the 9 of the 11 morphological traits which are the variability of shape of seed, length of seed, diameter of seed, the bristle length of seed, the distance of between bristles, the distance of the between ribs, shape of achene's, length of achene’s, diameter of achene’s. And the degree of variation of morphological traits is different. The difference within plants are lesser than the between the plants; number of ribs of fruit of between population are not constant; the bristle row number of per ribs are the most constant and hence most reliable diagnostic taxonomic characters in the genus. According to the morphological traits of fruit, we compartmentalized the studied five population of Calligonum roborowskii A.Los as two ecological races. respectively the variability of shape of seed, length of seed, diameter of seed, the bristle length of seed, the distance of between bristles, the distance of the between ribs, shape of achene’s, length of achene’s, diameter of achene’s, we compartmentalized the studied five population of Calligonum roborowskii A.Los as different ecological race. Chromosome base number of endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin region is 9. C.yengisaricum Z.M.Mao and C.ruoqiangense Liou f. were found to be diploid (2n=2x=18), C.roborowskii A.Los and C.korlaense Z.M.Mao were found to be tetraploid (2n=4x=36). Pollen morphology of endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin was examined under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is found that the pollen morphology of Calligonum is rather similar in shape, size, position and number of aperture, and exile sculpture. All of them are subspheroidal or prelate in shape, with their germination aperture being all 3-colporete. The community structure of endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin is very simple. The vertical structure of the community is only composed by shrub layer and herb layer. The soil particle size mainly concentrate at sand ; The pH shows alkaline character; The content of soil organic matter is low of the endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin.The variation index of soil particle size, content of salt and content of soil organic matter between five populations of Calligonum roborowskii A.Los. are different. Calligonum taklimakanense B.R Pan G.M.Shen distribute in the sandy soil; soil particle size of Calligonum yengisaricum Z.M.Mao is similiar to that of Calligonum taklimakanense B.R Pan G.M.Shen;Calligonum roborowskii A.Los, Calligonum korlaense Z.M.Mao and Calligonum .ruoqiangense Liou f are mainly distribute in the gravel gobi region. Calligonum taklimakanense B.R Pan et G.M.Shen, a new species from Taklamakan desert, is described and illustrated; According of the field investigation and studying above mentioned on the taxonomic values of the mojor morphological characters in the species of Calligonum L. endemic to Tarim basin, Calligonum roborowskii A.Los, Calligonum korlaense Z.M.Mao ,Calligonum yengisaricum Z.M.Mao and Calligonum ruoqiangense Liou f are taxonomically revised and A key to endemic species of Calligonum in Tarim basin are established

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