Roseate Terns - The Natural Connection


Prerequisites for successful seabird reproduction are secure nesting sites, reliable food supply and reasonable weather. In late 1996, Maritime Ireland / Wales INTERREG Programme agreed to fund a three year programme focussed on research and conservation action at Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii breeding colonies in the Irish Sea under Measure 1.3: “Protection of the Marine and Coastal Environment and Marine Emergency Planning”. All the colonies in the area were included: Rockabill, Lady’s Island Lake, the Dalkey Islands (all in Ireland) and Ynys Feurig, Skerries, Cemlyn Bay and Inland Sea (all on Anglesey in Wales). This report reviews progress at these colonies and gives more detail on the research carried out at the core breeding population at Rockabill and to a lesser extent at Lady's Island Lake.Funder: European Unio

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