
Indiana Nonprofit Employment: Historical Trends in Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, 1995-2009


Nonprofit organizations make significant contributions to the quality of life for the residents of Indiana. In particular, arts, entertainment, and recreation organizations play an important role in preserving culture, enriching the lives of children and adults, fostering creative expression, and providing sport and entertainment. These organizations may also serve as a powerful economic force for the state by attracting not only tourists, but also a young, educated workforce that can have a major positive impact on regional output and productivity. This report from the Indiana Nonprofits: Scope and Community Dimensions project presents new data on the size, composition, and distribution of paid arts, entertainment, and recreation employment in Indiana's private nonprofit sector over the 1995-2009 time period. All dollars are adjusted for inflation and are reported in constant 2009 dollars. Note that there are too few government employees in the arts, entertainment and recreation industry to allow for separate analysis of public sector employment

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