
Sales-tax Credit Would Help Low-income Ohioans


Gov. John Kasich has proposed major changes in Ohio's tax system, including broadening the sales tax to cover most services and cutting the state rate from 5.5 percent to 5 percent. This would produce significant needed revenue and make the sales tax more viable long-term, since more and more of the Ohio economy is based on services. The problem: Low- and moderate income Ohioans would be most affected, as they would pay the most as a share of their income.Key FindingsA state sales-tax credit, styled on one in New Mexico, would benefit hundreds of thousands of Ohioans.A sales-tax credit would provide a targeted way to offset the regressivity of the existing sales tax.Together with a state Earned Income Tax Credit, it could protect nearly two-thirds of the lowest-income Ohioans from the effects of Gov. Kasich's plan to broaden the sales tax

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