
Taking Our Experience Home: A Journey in URI Peacebuilding


Who are we? We are members of URI Cooperation Circles. Representing diverse backgrounds, traditions and life experiences, we have come together, at the Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI), to study and share, to help formulate practices for URI Peacebuilding.We've come to learn, to develop skills, to imagine and design effective programs for Peacebuilding for our Cooperation Circles and to share whatwe have learned with our colleagues. This booklet contains the stories of our journey to date -- stories of who we are, where we have come from, and whatwe are taking back to our CCs.In this report,each of us has chosen to write from our own experience,in our own unique way -- about our personal spiritual journeys into interfaith peacebuilding or how our Cooperation Circle developed or what we will take home from our learnings at SPI

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